Telehealth Online Check In

Please click the next button to continue to registration. If you have any issues please go here to chat with us online.

Please enter your information below to reserve a time.











    If you are experiencing a life threatening emergency, please call 911 immediately.

    We'll send you a text message when it's time to show up.

    minutes before my visit

    Please click here for information on insurances accepted.

    Please call the center if the patient under 2 years old before visiting.

    Clinic Location

    • Address

      Atlanta, GA

    • Phone


    Services Offered:

    Urgent Care including:
    (see complete list at
    Allergy Symptoms
    Birth Control Renewal/Advice
    COVID-19 Treatment and Follow-up Care
    Cut/Wound Evaluation
    Earache/Ear Pain
    Eye Infections/Pinkeye/Styes
    Female UTIs (ages 18-45 only)
    Medication Refills
    Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea/Mild Abdominal Pain
    Sinus or Allergy Issues
    Skin Conditions
    Sinus Infections
    Sore Throat
    STD Exposure
    Yeast or Bacterial Vaginosis Infection